
Detalhes   BetoMartins    FoundsOnly Portugal Braga Terras De Bouro Não Arquivadas
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    1 05/09/2022 BetoMartins Found It GC3HBMZ Bridges of Rio Caldo Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    2 10/09/2022 BetoMartins Found It GC9GDV4 Cache do Tempo 6 - A importância do Caminho Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    3 10/09/2022 BetoMartins Found It GC6T1XT CORETO COVIDE Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    4 10/09/2022 BetoMartins Found It GC6YKHP #05 - REINO FUNGI Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    5 10/09/2022 BetoMartins Found It GC46Q5T O Outeiro do Rei Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    6 10/09/2022 BetoMartins Found It GC917XR COVIDE vs COVID19 Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    7 10/09/2022 BetoMartins Found It GC72Y5B Ponte de Eixões Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    8 10/09/2022 BetoMartins Found It GC4WRRX Great View!!! Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    9 10/09/2022 BetoMartins Found It GC5XAFZ Cache do Tempo 1 - Os dias de Milénia Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    10 10/09/2022 BetoMartins Found It GC34ZRP Uma Cache Na Barragem de Vilarinho das Furnas Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    11 10/09/2022 BetoMartins Found It GC1220J Aldeia Subaquática [Vilarinho das Furnas - Gerês] Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    12 10/09/2022 BetoMartins Found It GC9HBXC 574 (Etapa 10 da GR50 PNPG) Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    13 10/09/2022 BetoMartins Found It GC6ZK19 Enjoy the Silence Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    14 10/09/2022 BetoMartins Found It GC18ZFT Cascatas do Tahiti [ Gerês] Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    15 24/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC7GW0R #13 DESPORTO É VIDA - O BARALHO DE CARTAS Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    16 24/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GCZBTH Pé de Cabril [Gerês] Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    17 24/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC4W2EP Da Albergaria à Pedra Bela III–Portela de Leonte Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    18 24/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC5AG5E Vagueando pelo Gerês - A caminho do Pé de Cabril Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    19 24/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC9GECJ Pinus sylvestris Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    20 24/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC4X0EA Lagoa da Albergaria Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    21 24/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC8ZRQX PNPG - Ponte de Palheiros e Lagoas Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    22 24/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC5MZ3H Pias no Cancelo Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    23 25/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC5MYGD Varziela Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    24 25/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC56Z3P Da Albergaria à Pedra Bela II-Rio Maceira Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    25 25/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC6MEEW Principezinho no PNPG Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    26 25/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC56Z4Y Da Albergaria à Pedra Bela IV-Rio Gerês Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    27 25/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC56Z7D Da Albergaria à Pedra Bela VI-Fonte de Secelo Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    28 25/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC56Z85 Da Albergaria à Pedra Bela VII-Rib. da Figueira Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    29 25/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC2KZA6 Vila do Gerês Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    30 25/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GCAH2HZ Welcome to Gerês Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    31 25/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC9ZHEQ Banco do Ramalho Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    32 25/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GCAH2HH Rio Gerês Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    33 25/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC4YWF3 Portela do Homem Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    34 26/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC5MYGQ Bemposta Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    35 26/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC3KH0D Uma cache no PNPG - A cache in PNPG Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    36 26/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC789Y9 (H)era Árvore Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    37 26/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC5HQQC Vista de Cancelo Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    38 26/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC6G2VR Terra de Duendes Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    39 26/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC4M89X + 1 ÷ + ? Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    40 26/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC31B13 Albufeira da Caniçada Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    41 27/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC1D413 ST52 - BARRAGEM DA CANIÇADA Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    42 28/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC2A4BY Trackables Exchange Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    43 28/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC27ET8 Ribeiro dos Moinhos [Chorense] Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    44 28/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC8YGQ5 Ruínas do Casal Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    45 28/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC76QKJ MOCHILA DE SOBREVIVÊNCIA - Nível 4 Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    46 28/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC1KXAJ VIA NOVA XVIII - Milha XIV Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    47 28/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC1KXAN VIA NOVA XVIII - Milha XXI Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    48 28/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GCAFDHV Quelha dos Lobos Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    49 29/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC3A0VQ FANTÁSTICO (O Fanfarrão) Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    50 29/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC1KZC9 LIMONADA Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    51 29/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC97T9N ALIEN - O Oitavo Passageiro Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    52 29/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC8958Z Boneca Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    53 29/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC8R6MP Casa do Guarda de Lamas Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    54 29/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC7EE6F THE WALLS OF THE WORLD Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    55 29/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC3T9CV A Cache da Bia e do Titi Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    56 29/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GCAF02X The Lost Cave Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    57 29/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC7ZY0D Fraga do meio Dia Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    58 29/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC9BV64 Pia o Taffoni ? Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    59 29/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC389Y0 Quartzo no PNPG / quartz in PNPG Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    60 29/04/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC2T12D Grey"t" Moby Dick Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    61 01/05/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC4JD14 Grupo Desportivo do Gerês - Campo da Pereira Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    62 01/05/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC2BQRN Miradouro da Fraga Negra Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    63 01/05/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC56QGF Da Albergaria à Pedra Bela VIII-Vidoeiro Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    64 03/05/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC5EED7 Cabana do Velho Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    65 03/05/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC1WFRW Fonte das Letras Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    66 03/05/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC1XX87 The Lost Cave Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    67 03/05/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC7EA2E Fonte de Chelo Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    68 03/05/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC56W7D Da Albergaria à Pedra Bela XIV-Floresta Encantada Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    69 03/05/2024 BetoMartins Found It GCQM5V Have a Pen? [Pedra Bela- Gerês] Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    70 03/05/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC2BPCH Miradouro Esquecido Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    71 03/05/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC5BW5Y @SNOOPY@ TEAM NA ERMIDA Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    72 03/05/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC8V778 Palavras para que! Enjoy the view! Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    73 03/05/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC9FHEC #52 DESPORTO É VIDA - EROSÃO DAS ROCHAS Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    74 03/05/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC1QATT Maciço Peneda-Gerês Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    75 03/05/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC23BZP Mini Barragens Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    76 03/05/2024 BetoMartins Found It GCA88P1 Uma foto sobre ? Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    77 03/05/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC7EA4B Ribeiro do Sarilhão Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    78 03/05/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC3THQ6 Da Albergaria à Pedra Bela I–Mata da Albergaria Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    79 03/05/2024 BetoMartins Found It GC1Q4DP Mata de Albergaria Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
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