
Detalhes   travellingchef    FoundsOnly Não Arquivadas Começadas pela Letra B
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    1 21/09/2014 travellingchef Found It GC2E98R Barragem de Trigo de Morais (Vale do Gaio) Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    2 21/09/2014 travellingchef Found It GC2A278 Barragem de Alvito (Cuba) Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    3 07/11/2014 travellingchef Found It GC3CTN6 Barragem dos Minutos Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    4 06/12/2014 travellingchef Found It GC53B1Z Bairro de São Gabriel Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    5 14/12/2014 travellingchef Found It GC4NZR5 Bairro de Trróino Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    6 01/01/2015 travellingchef Found It GC4ECAE Bem-vindo a Azeitão Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    7 22/03/2015 travellingchef Found It GC4XKH1 Bombeiros Voluntários de Arraiolos Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    8 01/05/2015 travellingchef Found It GC3BD6X Barragem do Divor Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    9 02/05/2015 travellingchef Found It GC300P5 Barragem de Ferreira do Alentejo Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    10 02/05/2015 travellingchef Found It GC2AKHT Barragem do Pisão Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    11 02/05/2015 travellingchef Found It GC1BFNY Beringel Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    12 24/05/2015 travellingchef Found It GC2E318 Barragem do Monte Clérigo - Almodôvar Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    13 07/06/2015 travellingchef Found It GC1NQV0 Buzzz [Powertrail da Margem Sul 7] Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    14 11/08/2015 travellingchef Found It GC44D2Q Barragem do Poio Portalegre Portugal 0 0 view log
    15 13/08/2015 travellingchef Found It GC58TVA Benvindo a Póvoa e Meadas!!! Portalegre Portugal 0 0 view log
    16 15/08/2015 travellingchef Found It GC167NE Barros PE - Projecto VG [Az. Barros-Grândola] Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    17 04/10/2015 travellingchef Found It GC44954 Batalha para lá chegar Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    18 05/11/2015 travellingchef Found It GC1F9WR Barragem da Toulica [Zebreira] "Ka3" Castelo Branco Portugal 0 0 view log
    19 05/11/2015 travellingchef Found It GC40AND Barroco do espeque Castelo Branco Portugal 0 0 view log
    20 07/11/2015 travellingchef Found It GCJ639 Bicas Beach [Aldeia do Meco] Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    21 29/11/2015 travellingchef Found It GC3Q9PB Bem vindo a Vila Boim Portalegre Portugal 0 0 view log
    22 09/04/2016 travellingchef Found It GC6AAFR Bem-vindos à cidade do Bocage ✍️ Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    23 29/04/2016 travellingchef Found It GC692PZ Bónus PT das Bruxas - O Covil das Bruxas Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    24 28/05/2016 travellingchef Found It GC4DPTB Bairro da Anta II Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    25 20/08/2016 travellingchef Found It GC4P72F Biblioteca Municipal e Casa da Cultura - Mafra Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    26 21/08/2016 travellingchef Found It GC69WNA Barranco do Covão Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    27 08/10/2016 travellingchef Found It GC3F59K Bombeiros Voluntários de Caxarias - 1425 - B06 Santarém Portugal 0 0 view log
    28 03/11/2016 travellingchef Found It GC4E9FQ Barragem da Apartadura Portalegre Portugal 0 0 view log
    29 29/01/2017 travellingchef Found It GC6JYCQ Barrancão (in and out) - Serrenhos Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    30 18/02/2017 travellingchef Found It GC6TBX3 B.P., fundador do Escutismo Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    31 28/04/2017 travellingchef Found It GC5ZCJA Binario 18 & 1/4 Toscana Italy 0 0 view log
    32 20/05/2017 travellingchef Found It GC67XCQ Boa Vista Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    33 08/07/2017 travellingchef Found It GC45W73 BICA Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    34 08/08/2017 travellingchef Found It GC40EKH Boolaaaa Leiria Portugal 0 0 view log
    35 16/09/2017 travellingchef Found It GC7A35W Bonús 2 - PT Bocage ConVida a Caminhar Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    36 16/09/2017 travellingchef Found It GC7A30Q Bonús 1 - PT Bocage ConVida a Caminhar Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    37 16/09/2017 travellingchef Found It GC40VR4 Bug Hotel... with a view (Arrábida) Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    38 24/09/2017 travellingchef Found It GC68G7N Bem-vindo à Terrugem Portalegre Portugal 0 0 view log
    39 30/09/2017 travellingchef Found It GC7CAGJ Boneco Rebelde / Rebel Doll [Pt/En] Leiria Portugal 0 0 view log
    40 05/10/2017 travellingchef Found It GC7B9YF Baía de Setúbal / Setúbal Bay Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    41 14/01/2018 travellingchef Found It GC3XB60 By the road Portalegre Portugal 0 0 view log
    42 20/01/2018 travellingchef Found It GC48B26 Base Aérea de Alqueidão (Az160/002) Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    43 21/01/2018 travellingchef Found It GC4DJM1 Bombeiros Samora Correia Santarém Portugal 0 0 view log
    44 03/03/2018 travellingchef Found It GC3CQVT Barranco dos Gizes Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    45 14/04/2018 travellingchef Found It GC5NNFT BAIRRO DOS FALCÕES (Beja) Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    46 25/04/2018 travellingchef Found It GCPNMZ Burgtor Wien Austria 0 0 view log
    47 26/04/2018 travellingchef Found It GCR0YM Bridge over bridge Wien Austria 0 0 view log
    48 27/04/2018 travellingchef Found It GC1ZYMV Brauerei in Wien #4 Wien Austria 0 0 view log
    49 28/04/2018 travellingchef Found It GC1XXP7 Brauerei in Wien #2 Wien Austria 0 0 view log
    50 22/07/2018 travellingchef Found It GC64ND4 Bajouca, terra do barro Leiria Portugal 0 0 view log
    51 16/08/2018 travellingchef Found It GC41PM8 Bowling e Kart Ovar Aveiro Portugal 0 0 view log
    52 15/09/2018 travellingchef Found It GC7RRHW Bónus 1 - As Desventuras de Bocage pelo Alambre Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    53 23/12/2018 travellingchef Found It GC7KJN8 B.V. de Cacilhas Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    54 13/01/2019 travellingchef Found It GC81P3V Bairro Mineiro de São João do Deserto Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    55 27/01/2019 travellingchef Found It GC346R6 Barragem da Atabueira - Ciborro Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    56 17/02/2019 travellingchef Found It GC35WQV Bateria da Raposa- 6ª Bateria RAC Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    57 30/03/2019 travellingchef Found It GC4AQB2 Barragem do Monte Novo Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    58 19/05/2019 travellingchef Found It GC3CHMH Bomba H2O Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    59 29/09/2019 travellingchef Found It GC892C3 Buddha Eden Garden - V.R 2.0 Leiria Portugal 0 0 view log
    60 22/10/2019 travellingchef Found It GC6JZN0 BASÍLICA DE SAN VICENTE- CM ES104 Castilla y León Spain 0 0 view log
    61 26/01/2020 travellingchef Found It GC1VWRR Baden-Powell [Arrábida] Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    62 15/02/2020 travellingchef Found It GC7YKB1 BAIRRO DE ALVALADE Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    63 07/03/2020 travellingchef Found It GC4Z79M Barragem de Santa Clara Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    64 29/08/2020 travellingchef Found It GC2BWZH Bica Santa Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    65 20/09/2020 travellingchef Found It GC720TE Bombeiros - Tomar Santarém Portugal 0 0 view log
    66 14/03/2021 travellingchef Found It GC948JT Bem Vindo à Cidade do Rio Azul Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    67 27/04/2021 travellingchef Found It GC5WVBC Bem Vindos Castelo Branco Portugal 0 0 view log
    68 01/05/2021 travellingchef Found It GCW5H3 Baleal [Peniche] Leiria Portugal 0 0 view log
    69 23/05/2021 travellingchef Found It GC7X546 Belo Horizonte 🐌 Hotel **** Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    70 18/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC127CE Baía do Seixal Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    71 14/08/2021 travellingchef Found It GC995XF BMA - Bombeiros Mistos de Amora Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    72 14/08/2021 travellingchef Found It GC7KR03 Bodyboard Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    73 19/08/2021 travellingchef Found It GC6MF0G Bombeiros Voluntários de Arouca Aveiro Portugal 0 0 view log
    74 26/09/2021 travellingchef Found It GC177PC Barragem do Enxoé [Pias] Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    75 06/11/2021 travellingchef Found It GC7FZXE Bónus PT - Brinquedo - Colecção Faro Portugal 0 0 view log
    76 08/01/2022 travellingchef Found It GC7X1CR BÓNUS - PT - "Olh'á Lagoa... e não só!" Leiria Portugal 0 0 view log
    77 22/01/2022 travellingchef Found It GC8HV9K BENCATEL - ALDEIA BRANCA DO MÁRMORE Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    78 25/04/2022 travellingchef Found It GC5YYH5 Bienvenido al Lago de Sanabria Castilla y León Spain 0 0 view log
    79 28/04/2022 travellingchef Found It GC2T1TM Barragem de Prada Bragança Portugal 0 0 view log
    80 29/04/2022 travellingchef Found It GC890ZY Bragança Bragança Portugal 0 0 view log
    81 16/07/2022 travellingchef Found It GC89168 Bajouca - A um passo dos 50 anos Leiria Portugal 0 0 view log
    82 20/08/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9J58J BONUS: Centro histórico da Lousã Coimbra Portugal 0 0 view log
    83 31/10/2022 travellingchef Found It GC8204T Barrio de Bouzas #1 Galicia Spain 0 0 view log
    84 11/02/2023 travellingchef Found It GC9GX3E Baloiço Panorâmico de Ulme Santarém Portugal 0 0 view log
    85 14/08/2023 travellingchef Found It GC9MYGQ Baloiço do Rio Viseu Portugal 0 0 view log
    86 15/08/2023 travellingchef Found It GC9X93V BONUS labcache as cruzes da minha aldeia Viseu Portugal 0 0 view log
    87 16/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GCADDNQ BPPS 01-Bocage Pelas Praias do Sado Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    88 16/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GCADDP0 BPPS 03-Bocage Pelas Praias do Sado Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    89 16/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GCADDP7 BPPS 04-Bocage Pelas Praias do Sado Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    90 16/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GCADDPH BPPS 05-Bocage Pelas Praias do Sado Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    91 16/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GCADRRY BPPS 20-Bocage Pelas Praias do Sado Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    92 16/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GCADDPN BPPS 06-Bocage Pelas Praias do Sado Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    93 16/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GCADRRE BPPS 18-Bocage Pelas Praias do Sado Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    94 16/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GCADRRQ BPPS 19-Bocage Pelas Praias do Sado Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    95 16/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GCADRM3 BPPS 10-Bocage Pelas Praias do Sado - Bónus Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    96 16/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GCADDVB BPPS 08-Bocage Pelas Praias do Sado Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    97 16/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GCADDV7 BPPS 07-Bocage Pelas Praias do Sado Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    98 16/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GCADDVD BPPS 09-Bocage Pelas Praias do Sado Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    99 16/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GCADRQK BPPS 15-Bocage Pelas Praias do Sado Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    100 16/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GCADRT8 BPPS 21-Bocage Pelas Praias do Sado - Bónus Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    101 16/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GCADRQC BPPS 14-Bocage Pelas Praias do Sado Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    102 16/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GCADRQQ BPPS 16-Bocage Pelas Praias do Sado Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    103 16/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GCADRR3 BPPS 17-Bocage Pelas Praias do Sado Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    104 16/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GCADRPM BPPS 11-Bocage Pelas Praias do Sado Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    105 16/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GCADRQ6 BPPS 13-Bocage Pelas Praias do Sado Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    106 16/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GCADRPZ BPPS 12-Bocage Pelas Praias do Sado Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    107 23/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GC9PFT7 Biblioteca de Serpa Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    108 13/01/2024 travellingchef Found It GCAHQ2M Bonecos de Estremoz Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    109 13/01/2024 travellingchef Found It GCAHNVV Baloiço Forte de São José Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    110 30/03/2024 travellingchef Found It GCAMXHF Bónus - Passeio Mistério Faro Portugal 0 0 view log
    111 24/07/2024 travellingchef Found It GC6CD8E Bennies Bekend-van-thuis Box Castilla-La Mancha Spain 0 0 view log
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