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    1 11/11/2014 travellingchef Found It GC17J3X Glória Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    2 18/10/2015 travellingchef Found It GC42JG4 Grupo Desportivo Estrelas de Algeruz Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    3 14/11/2015 travellingchef Found It GC4X5MN Grupo Desportivo do Fabril Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    4 02/01/2016 travellingchef Found It GC17XVG Geo-Santo Graal / Geo-Holy Grail [Thomar] Santarém Portugal 0 0 view log
    5 04/02/2017 travellingchef Found It GCRQT1 Guns of Navarone [Trafaria] Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    6 07/01/2018 travellingchef Found It GC5AVE0 Gesseira de Santana [Sesimbra] Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    7 19/05/2018 travellingchef Found It GC19MVK Grândola Vila Morena Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    8 22/09/2018 travellingchef Found It GC7Z5NH GAM'18 … NautiMonsaraz Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    9 22/09/2018 travellingchef Found It GC7Z5NN GAM'18 … A Península Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    10 22/09/2018 travellingchef Found It GC7Z5NQ GAM'18 … Seahorse Island Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    11 22/09/2018 travellingchef Found It GC7Z5NZ GAM'18 … O Ilhéu Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    12 30/09/2018 travellingchef Found It GC1D8RH GOSTO DE TI... LAGOA Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    13 17/02/2019 travellingchef Found It GC597TR GOE Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    14 24/03/2019 travellingchef Found It GC51TNN GEOCACHING MYSTERY CACHE Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    15 23/04/2019 travellingchef Found It GC17WCK Gravuras de Antigamente [Mangualde] Viseu Portugal 0 0 view log
    16 26/04/2019 travellingchef Found It GC3W5WM Gigantes Eólicos - Serra de Montemuro Viseu Portugal 0 0 view log
    17 12/10/2019 travellingchef Found It GC3HC20 Gruta Algar do Pena Santarém Portugal 0 0 view log
    18 26/04/2021 travellingchef Found It GC7Y50K GeoRota de Orvalho (Moinho de Água) Castelo Branco Portugal 0 0 view log
    19 27/06/2021 travellingchef Found It GC93N1Z Geo Pinus (Bónus da LAB da Ponta dos Corvos)) Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    20 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QED GeoGaivota 38 - Bónus Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    21 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QD6 GeoGaivota 31 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    22 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QD1 GeoGaivota 30 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    23 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QE8 GeoGaivota 37 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    24 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QDB GeoGaivota 32 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    25 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QCX GeoGaivota 29 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    26 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QDZ GeoGaivota 36 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    27 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85Q88 GeoGaivota 1 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    28 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QDP GeoGaivota 35 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    29 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QDF GeoGaivota 33 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    30 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QDK GeoGaivota 34 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    31 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QCQ GeoGaivota 28 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    32 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85Q9D GeoGaivota 2 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    33 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QCF GeoGaivota 27 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    34 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85Q8M GeoGaivota 3 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    35 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QCC GeoGaivota 26 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    36 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85Q9H GeoGaivota 4 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    37 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QCA GeoGaivota 25 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    38 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85Q8Z GeoGaivota 5 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    39 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QC3 GeoGaivota 24 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    40 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85Q9K GeoGaivota 6 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    41 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85Q9N GeoGaivota 7 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    42 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QBX GeoGaivota 23 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    43 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85Q9V GeoGaivota 8 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    44 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QBT GeoGaivota 22 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    45 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85Q9Y GeoGaivota 9 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    46 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QBM GeoGaivota 21 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    47 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QBH GeoGaivota 20 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    48 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QA1 GeoGaivota 10 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    49 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QA4 GeoGaivota 11 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    50 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QBF GeoGaivota 19 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    51 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QA8 GeoGaivota 12 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    52 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QB7 GeoGaivota 17 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    53 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QAD GeoGaivota 13 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    54 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QB4 GeoGaivota 16 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    55 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QAX GeoGaivota 15 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    56 24/07/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QAQ GeoGaivota 14 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    57 19/08/2021 travellingchef Found It GC8QVW4 GeoAdventure Aveiro: Arouca Aveiro Portugal 0 0 view log
    58 11/09/2021 travellingchef Found It GC1WQWW Guia II - Faróis de Portugal Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    59 29/10/2021 travellingchef Found It GC3WPCR Granel Arquipélago Dos Açores Portugal 0 0 view log
    60 04/11/2021 travellingchef Found It GC7B9JQ GENTES D'OLHÃO / PEOPLE OF OLHÃO Faro Portugal 0 0 view log
    61 04/12/2021 travellingchef Found It GCV58K GnE II – Picota [Rio Maior] Santarém Portugal 0 0 view log
    62 04/12/2021 travellingchef Found It GCV43A GnE IV - Regueira [Rio Maior] Santarém Portugal 0 0 view log
    63 28/12/2021 travellingchef Found It GC85QBC GeoGaivota 18 Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    64 02/01/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9K7FQ Guindaste a Vapor do Porto de Setúbal Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    65 27/04/2022 travellingchef Found It GC2K74Y Gimonde Bragança Portugal 0 0 view log
    66 22/05/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9TK3F Galinha-de-água Castelo Branco Portugal 0 0 view log
    67 22/05/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9TK36 Guarda-rios Castelo Branco Portugal 0 0 view log
    68 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA5K GEOBTT23 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    69 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA96 GEOBTT_XTRA - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    70 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA5C GEOBTT22 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    71 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA68 GEOBTT26 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    72 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA5V GEOBTT25 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    73 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA58 GEOBTT21 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    74 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA5Q GEOBTT24 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    75 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9V6FF GEOBTT20 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    76 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9V6FC GEOBTT19 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    77 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA4X GEOBTT27- Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    78 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9V6F9 GEOBTT18 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    79 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA6D GEOBTT28 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    80 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA6H GEOBTT29 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    81 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9V6F4 GEOBTT17 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    82 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA6N GEOBTT30 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    83 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9V6F1 GEOBTT16 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    84 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA6P GEOBTT31 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    85 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9V6A9 GEOBTT15 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    86 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA71 GEOBTT33 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    87 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA76 GEOBTT34 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    88 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9V6A6 GEOBTT14 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    89 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA7B GEOBTT35 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    90 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9V6A3 GEOBTT13 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    91 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA7F GEOBTT36 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    92 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9V6A2 GEOBTT12 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    93 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA7K GEOBTT37 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    94 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9V695 GEOBTT9 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    95 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA7Q GEOBTT38 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    96 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9V69Z GEOBTT11 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    97 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9V698 GEOBTT10 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    98 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA7W GEOBTT39 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    99 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9V690 GEOBTT8 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    100 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9V68R GEOBTT7 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    101 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA84 GEOBTT40 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    102 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9V68H GEOBTT6 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    103 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA86 GEOBTT41 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    104 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9V67G GEOBTT5 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    105 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA8B GEOBTT42 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    106 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9V67B GEOBTT4 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    107 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9V66Q GEOBTT3 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    108 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9V674 GEOBTT2 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    109 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9VA8K GEOBTT43 - Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    110 04/06/2022 travellingchef Found It GC9V66A GeoBTT1- Dia Mundial da Bicicleta Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    111 02/07/2022 travellingchef Found It GC891JG Gente da Minha Terra Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    112 27/11/2022 travellingchef Found It GC191GY Guadalupe [Serpa] Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    113 11/08/2023 travellingchef Found It GCACHJK Grupo Desportivo de Oliveira de Frades Viseu Portugal 0 0 view log
    114 14/04/2024 travellingchef Found It GC33WCD Gargalo do Tejo #2 - O Miradouro Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    115 01/06/2024 travellingchef Found It GCAQ950 Grande Luxo Hotel - Wonderful Sintra Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
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