
Detalhes   travellingchef    FoundsOnly Não Arquivadas Começadas pela Letra I
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    1 06/11/2014 travellingchef Found It GC4XKGV Igreja Matriz de Arraiolos Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    2 11/11/2014 travellingchef Found It GC2MQYQ Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Glória Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    3 20/11/2014 travellingchef Found It GC2MNV1 Igreja de Águas de Moura Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    4 23/05/2015 travellingchef Found It GC4289Q IC1 Isaías N-S Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    5 23/05/2015 travellingchef Found It GC1K6RX IC1-Canal Caveira S-N Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    6 23/05/2015 travellingchef Found It GC42Q7K Igreja de Azinheira de Barros Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    7 23/05/2015 travellingchef Found It GC1MG4V IC1-Mimosa N-S Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    8 11/07/2015 travellingchef Found It GC19AP1 Igreja de Santa Maria de Sintra Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    9 19/07/2015 travellingchef Found It GC55M83 Igreja de Nª Sª de Fátima do Seixal Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    10 13/08/2015 travellingchef Found It GC4VDJE Igreja Santiago (São Tiago) Portalegre Portugal 0 0 view log
    11 13/08/2015 travellingchef Found It GC4X8EM Igreja do Calvário Portalegre Portugal 0 0 view log
    12 12/09/2015 travellingchef Found It GC5H4EX I, i Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    13 04/10/2015 travellingchef Found It GC5NW48 Igreja de Palma [Alcácer do Sal] Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    14 05/12/2015 travellingchef Found It GC65EED Igreja e Convento de S. Francisco Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    15 26/12/2015 travellingchef Found It GC1NY59 Invasion [Pela Falésia À Lagoa #6] Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    16 03/01/2016 travellingchef Found It GC6186P Igreja de Santa Maria do Olival (Tomar) Santarém Portugal 0 0 view log
    17 06/02/2016 travellingchef Found It GC5DRZG Igreja e Convento de Sta. Clara Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    18 27/02/2016 travellingchef Found It GC5BPPB Igreja S.Pedro - Lagoa de Albufeira - M18 Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    19 05/06/2016 travellingchef Found It GC5KWEW Igreja da aldeia de Santo André Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    20 21/08/2016 travellingchef Found It GC689FR In Memoriam Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    21 08/10/2016 travellingchef Found It GC65588 Imagem Peregrina em Casais de Abadia - B47 Santarém Portugal 0 0 view log
    22 08/10/2016 travellingchef Found It GC3CZB7 Igreja de Caxarias Santarém Portugal 0 0 view log
    23 03/11/2016 travellingchef Found It GC4A1WK Igreja Nossa Srª da Esperança - Ribª de Nisa Portalegre Portugal 0 0 view log
    24 21/01/2017 travellingchef Found It GC59547 Igreja de Monte Bom [Mafra] Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    25 29/01/2017 travellingchef Found It GC3AQ9F Igreja de S. Cristovão Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    26 18/02/2017 travellingchef Found It GC70ET7 IGREJA DE SANTA SOFIA Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    27 05/03/2017 travellingchef Found It GC6R3QX Igreja do Acipreste Leiria Portugal 0 0 view log
    28 21/05/2017 travellingchef Found It GC69179 IGREJA DE ALCARIA RUIVA Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    29 24/05/2017 travellingchef Found It GC535WE Ibis - Reserva Integral de Pancas Santarém Portugal 0 0 view log
    30 25/06/2017 travellingchef Found It GC6DZQA Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    31 26/10/2017 travellingchef Found It GC4ET5W Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Vinha Viana Do Castelo Portugal 0 0 view log
    32 29/10/2017 travellingchef Found It GC34AEX Igreja Paroquial de Alvarães Viana Do Castelo Portugal 0 0 view log
    33 29/10/2017 travellingchef Found It GC2QZHB Igreja Paroquial Vila de Punhe Viana Do Castelo Portugal 0 0 view log
    34 25/11/2017 travellingchef Found It GC4RXZG Igreja de São Tiago Milheiros Porto Portugal 0 0 view log
    35 15/04/2018 travellingchef Found It GC63JTX IGREJA PAROQUIAL DE NOSSA SENHORA DAS NEVES Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    36 15/04/2018 travellingchef Found It GC644A8 IGREJA DE NOSSA SENHORA DA GRAÇA (Baleizão-Beja) Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    37 15/04/2018 travellingchef Found It GC2ZKEC Igreja de S. Mamede do Sádão [GDL] Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    38 22/04/2018 travellingchef Found It GC6A7Q7 Igreja Matriz de Alcochete Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    39 13/05/2018 travellingchef Found It GC63EDX IGREJA DAS FAIAS Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    40 20/05/2018 travellingchef Found It GC1Z0YH IN SITV [Benavente] Santarém Portugal 0 0 view log
    41 13/08/2018 travellingchef Found It GC3Y4PD Igreja Nossa Senhora da Tocha Coimbra Portugal 0 0 view log
    42 13/08/2018 travellingchef Found It GC4C8TY I Casa da Guarda Florestal - Palheirão Coimbra Portugal 0 0 view log
    43 16/08/2018 travellingchef Found It GC4KZ5B Igreja Matriz de Cortegaça Aveiro Portugal 0 0 view log
    44 22/09/2018 travellingchef Found It GC4PYRC Ilha Verde Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    45 05/10/2018 travellingchef Found It GC5J1PD Igreja da Misericórdia de Ansião Leiria Portugal 0 0 view log
    46 07/10/2018 travellingchef Found It GC260DW Igreja Matriz de Aveiras de Cima Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    47 25/11/2018 travellingchef Found It GC4TRYF Igreja do Mosteiro de Requião Braga Portugal 0 0 view log
    48 26/01/2019 travellingchef Found It GC720E6 Igreja de Toledo Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    49 24/04/2019 travellingchef Found It GC379D8 Igreja de Britiande Viseu Portugal 0 0 view log
    50 24/04/2019 travellingchef Found It GC23GCM IGREJA E MOSTEIRO DE SALZEDAS Viseu Portugal 0 0 view log
    51 02/06/2019 travellingchef Found It GC43E7V Igreja de São Domingos Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    52 14/07/2019 travellingchef Found It GC51ATV Igreja Nossa Senhora do Rosário Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    53 31/08/2019 travellingchef Found It GC8AV2F Igreja Casal dos Bernardos Santarém Portugal 0 0 view log
    54 21/10/2019 travellingchef Found It GC571KB Iglesia, Plaza y Palacio de San Martín en Segovia Castilla y León Spain 0 0 view log
    55 01/11/2019 travellingchef Found It GC544NQ Igreja Matriz de Budens Faro Portugal 0 0 view log
    56 03/11/2019 travellingchef Found It GC4TH54 Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora da Conceição Faro Portugal 0 0 view log
    57 13/06/2020 travellingchef Found It GC681P3 IGREJA MATRIZ DE SANTO ESTÊVÃO (Beringel-Beja) Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    58 02/11/2020 travellingchef Found It GC7DK9Q IGREJA DE SANTO ESTEVÃO Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    59 02/11/2020 travellingchef Found It GC6PV3G Igreja São Bento Cortiço Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    60 26/12/2020 travellingchef Found It GC7KJ28 Igreja do Carmo (Faro) Faro Portugal 0 0 view log
    61 25/04/2021 travellingchef Found It GC3R0NB Igreja Srª Alagada Castelo Branco Portugal 0 0 view log
    62 29/08/2021 travellingchef Found It GC6417B IGREJA DE NOSSA SENHORA DA LUZ (Albernoa-Beja) Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    63 27/10/2021 travellingchef Found It GC6RCHX Igreja de São Nicolau Arquipélago Dos Açores Portugal 0 0 view log
    64 30/10/2021 travellingchef Found It GC4V8TJ Igreja Adventista 7º Dia de Ponta Delgada Arquipélago Dos Açores Portugal 0 0 view log
    65 01/11/2021 travellingchef Found It GC7JDCV ISABELL WINDMILL Faro Portugal 0 0 view log
    66 08/11/2021 travellingchef Found It GC8BAZQ Igreja São Domingos Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    67 22/01/2022 travellingchef Found It GC8HV9P IGREJA DE SANTA ANA Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    68 05/02/2022 travellingchef Found It GC6JR59 Igreja S. Simão Setúbal Portugal 0 0 view log
    69 05/03/2022 travellingchef Found It GC533QW Igreja Nª Sra do Monte Virgem Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    70 18/08/2022 travellingchef Found It GC4AE99 Igreja Paroquial de Silgueiros Viseu Portugal 0 0 view log
    71 21/10/2022 travellingchef Found It GC1TQW8 Iglesia San Juan Bautista,Castillo de las Guardas Andalucía Spain 0 0 view log
    72 22/04/2023 travellingchef Found It GCA4XG3 Igreja de Santa Maria do Castelo [TG81] Lisboa Portugal 0 0 view log
    73 12/08/2023 travellingchef Found It GC4Q7NB Igreja Paroquial de S. Vicente de Lafões Viseu Portugal 0 0 view log
    74 14/08/2023 travellingchef Found It GC661FK Igreja Matriz de Sever do Vouga Aveiro Portugal 0 0 view log
    75 23/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GC6J422 In the middle of nature «PT» #3 Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    76 23/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GC66VZD In the middle of nature «PT» #4 Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    77 23/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GC9F6K7 Igreja de São Salvador Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    78 23/09/2023 travellingchef Found It GC6J52Y In the middle of nature «PT» #6 Beja Portugal 0 0 view log
    79 08/10/2023 travellingchef Found It GC8H5PR Igreja Matriz e Capela do Sr. dos Passos Porto Portugal 0 0 view log
    80 04/11/2023 travellingchef Found It GC8AR96 Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Assunção, matriz Oriola Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
    81 13/01/2024 travellingchef Found It GCAHNVT Igreja Convento de Santo António Évora Portugal 0 0 view log
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