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Aljezur (SimãoSL)     

  • Badge do concelho Aljezur do distrito Faro

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    GC3RT3Y #1 Costa Vicentina hike Faro swapgirly
    GC3RW48 #10 Costa Vicentina hike Faro swapgirly
    GC3RW4G #11 Costa Vicentina hike Faro swapgirly
    GC3RW4N #12 Costa Vicentina hike Faro swapgirly
    GC3RW4V #13 Costa Vicentina hike Faro swapgirly
    GC5J9Z0 #14 Costa Vicentina hike Faro swapgirly
    GC3RW2T #2 Costa Vicentina hike Faro swapgirly
    GC3RW31 #3 Costa Vicentina hike Faro swapgirly
    GC3RW3H #4 Costa Vicentina hike Faro swapgirly
    GC3RW3C #5 Costa Vicentina hike Faro swapgirly
    GC3RW3N #6 Costa Vicentina hike Faro swapgirly
    GC3RW3Q #7 Costa Vicentina hike Faro swapgirly
    GC3RW3V #8 Costa Vicentina hike Faro swapgirly
    GC3RW40 #9 Costa Vicentina hike Faro swapgirly
    GC3WPMZ 0812 - Corpo Bombeiros Voluntários de Aljezur Faro Baketas
    GC63DRT 10 # Caminho Histórico S. Teotónio » Odeceixe Faro Hugo & Any
    GC6R0VQ A primeira vez... Faro Nelson & Herminia
    GC8CQVG Aldeia da Bordeira Faro Raqovelha
    GC7DDV5 Aldeia da Bordeira (Aljezur) Faro GEOESTEGANG
    GC2XADN Aljezur Faro swapgirly
    GC3GJ4Z Aljezur - Igreja Nova Faro swapgirly
    GC8B376 Aljezur, por trás Faro swapgirly
    GC91JDM Amoreira Cave Faro snah007
    GC3DH0M Another brick in the wall [Algarve] Faro Lucmanx
    GC876PT Área de merendas da Bordeira Faro BENSIVAS
    GC5MNYZ Arkenstone Faro paulohercules
    GC52MF8 Arkenstone [BONUS] Faro Lithium13
    GC7Y9QB Art Rock Garden Faro MeikiZ
    GC1YVPM Baia dos Tiros/Praia da Quebrada Faro ShadowLord
    GC87EZE Bordeira da merendas de Parque Faro AlcagoitaABF
    GC7TB3J Cabo Pontal da Carrapateira Faro danielvonwi
    GC3W2DM Carrapateria Faro swapgirly
    GCQ6MP Castelo (Aljezur) Faro Psipsina
    GC1X2TJ Castelo de Aljezur Faro heldinho
    GC5EP03 Clube de amigos de Arão 26 Faro DiabloSLB
    GC5EP1R Clube de amigos de Arão 29 Faro DiabloSLB
    GC4QT5G down by the riverside Faro trojaner
    GC7XHYN Embalse of the river in Aljezur Faro luisramosfonseca
    GC2X3VW Espartal Faro swapgirly
    GC3PX1P Freedom Faro btt
    GC1A4K4 Fui às caches! Faro Fernando Rei
    GCTRZW Gabriels Cave Faro Elframan
    GC36RGC Happy Birthday Sotavento_! Faro swapgirly
    GC38HXZ Headland Faro clcortez
    GC4P925 I Can Sea Clearly Now [Carrapateira] Faro Prodrive Jr
    GCB36WE Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora da Alva Faro EscutasGeoAlgarvios
    GC64V3F Longe de tudo... E tão perto! Faro lmpinto
    GC2CVGB Mar à Vista Faro zefzinho
    GCP9Y5 Miel Cache Faro Team Goofy
    GC566DX Miradouro Faro swapgirly
    GC737CJ Moinho do Rogil Faro luisramosfonseca
    GC78WER Mondadeira [Aljezur] Faro paulohercules
    GC2XG8Q Monte Clérigo Faro swapgirly
    GC48ZCR Monte Clérigo - another view Faro swapgirly
    GCQ6MV Monte Clérigo (Aljezur) Faro Psipsina
    GC169XX Monte Clérigo II Faro Psipsina
    GC3T7YJ O Arroja #1 Faro ShadowLord
    GC3VBBM O Arroja #2 Faro ShadowLord
    GC7BQKJ O infinito Faro swapgirly
    GC75D3K O Mistério do Parque de Merendas [Aljezur] Faro paulohercules
    GC2XVYA O pescador Faro swapgirly
    GC7V3WW O Topo Faro Les Pommes Rebelles
    GC3NEAX Odeceixe Windmill. Faro alexblack13
    GC2G78X On the cliffs 1 Faro swapgirly
    GC2G79F On the cliffs 2 Faro swapgirly
    GC36VCH On the cliffs 3 Faro swapgirly
    GC3RW7K On the cliffs 4 Faro swapgirly
    GC3RW8C On the cliffs 5 Faro swapgirly
    GC28V37 On the way to Aljezur Faro cinzano911
    GC3GXCR One more Faro swapgirly
    GCTQC3 Paradise View Faro Elframan
    GC4WZBQ Paradise View v2 [Aljezur] Faro paulohercules
    GC1H0V9 Pieterannekecache Faro Mameren
    GC4M70T PNSA MasterDegree Challenge Faro prodrive
    GC3HA1C Poppets View Faro treasurepoppets
    GC2FG26 Praia da Amoreira Faro swapgirly
    GC2XT48 Praia da Amoreira - numa outra perspectiva Faro swapgirly
    GC1RT6N Praia da Bordeira - Numa outra perspectiva Faro ShadowLord
    GC4ZM5G Praia da Bordeira [Aljezur] Faro paulohercules
    GC1YVN0 Praia da Carriagem Faro ShadowLord
    GC3V3H7 Praia da Esteveira Faro ShadowLord
    GC1YVP5 Praia da Esteveira Faro ShadowLord
    GC1RT6C Praia da Murração Faro ShadowLord
    GC1YVMJ Praia da Pipa/Praia do Medo da Fonte Santa Faro ShadowLord
    GC3T5ER Praia da Pipa/Praia do Medo da Fonte Santa Faro swapgirly
    GC1YVPA Praia da Samouqueira Faro ShadowLord
    GC5Q7J4 Praia das Adegas Faro Lusitana Paixão
    GC1YVN8 Praia de Vale dos Homens Faro ShadowLord
    GC1TA34 Praia de Vale Figueiras Faro ShadowLord
    GC1TA37 Praia do Canal/Pedra da Agulha Faro ShadowLord
    GC1TA35 Praia do Penedo Faro ShadowLord
    GC15C9T Ribat da Arrifana [Aljezur] Faro acasim
    GC4DZ5B Ribeira de Odeceixe Faro P14
    GC4WY84 Rock & Roll and Twist Party in Algarve Faro Papou27
    GC1AJKP Ruínas da Fortaleza da Arrifana Faro stoepfs
    GC6Y2ZT Sorietnom GV [Bishop Town] Faro paulohercules
    GC5J9TH Souvenir Hunter Challenge Faro swapgirly
    GC5BN96 Surf trip - Amado Beach Faro D1N12
    GC73AKJ Sweet potato Faro luisramosfonseca
    GC5FXEX TB-Hotel Algarve Barlavento Faro swapgirly
    GC3YZ64 The bridge Faro swapgirly
    GC7WFE2 The Cave of Amoreira Faro Haselnusshoch2
    GC4067E The marker Faro swapgirly
    GC1H3X9 The perfect beach - Bordeira Faro daraopedal
    GC4918P The view Faro swapgirly
    GCA9JEA Um Cedro no Pinhal ??? Faro paulohercules
    GC33969 Umayr asayad Faro ajsa
    GC2FG4V Vale da Telha - Bonus Faro swapgirly
    GC305NJ Vale da Telha - cliff walk 1 Faro swapgirly
    GC305PC Vale da Telha - cliff walk 2 Faro swapgirly
    GC305PY Vale da Telha - cliff walk 3 Faro swapgirly
    GC305Q3 Vale da Telha - cliff walk 4 Faro swapgirly
    GC30HQH Vale da Telha - cliff walk bonus Faro swapgirly
    GC2FG3W Vale da Telha - Lost Place 1 Faro swapgirly
    GC2FG4A Vale da Telha - Lost Place 2 Faro swapgirly
    GC2G782 Vale da Telha - Lost Place 3 Faro swapgirly
    GC1YVP0 Vale Juncal/Praia da Barradinha Faro ShadowLord
    GC4EYT4 Várzea de Aljezur Faro Almargem
    GCA9JE9 VG à vista! Faro paulohercules
    GC9VCM3 VG MesQuita Faro difus3
    GC11NCC Walking on SW Cliff’s Faro tfernandes
    GC28V34 Windy Portugal Faro cinzano911
    GC60EZE Xavi's Fifth One - Ode to the Naked - Adegas Faro TP_PT's
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    TOP 20



    1 prodrive
    2 Sotavento_
    3 Team Barbaleta
    4 palito7
    5 JocaBella
    6 Adelina.Rosa
    7 paulohercules
    8 swapgirly
    9 Kopax55
    10 FTav
    11 AnaxJoao
    12 letsdive
    13 bitas
    13 Whitteam
    15 opted-out user
    16 TeamCACHE.ta.ela
    17 Peufrasio
    18 AS13.
    19 Burrinha
    20 AlcagoitaABF
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