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Senhor dos Anéis (ell comandante)     

  • Caches sobre o Senhor do Anéis.


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    Para opiniões: [Badge] Senhor dos Aneis

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    GC4C0CX 0 Bosque das Fadas [Thomar] Santarém paulohercules
    GC1JJFZ A Aventura Continua... Setúbal MightyReek
    GC24NR5 A TORRE BRANCA Santarém beatryx
    GC4W3XD Amon Anwar Viana Do Castelo Crise_
    GC9EWGG Amonites em Auren Medieval - BE17 Santarém bmps2003
    GC77H6K Anduin - B62 Santarém bmps2003
    GC8EWJH Anduin (bridge) Santarém paulohercules
    GC8EWJZ Anduin [Gladden Fields] Santarém paulohercules
    GC8F2HP Anduin [Hags Island] Santarém paulohercules
    GC824J6 Anduin [Traders Island] Santarém paulohercules
    GC8EWK3 Anduin [West Vales] Santarém paulohercules
    GC8EWJM Anduin [Wolfswood] Santarém paulohercules
    GC5MNYZ Arkenstone Faro paulohercules
    GC101DW As Duas Torres [Minas Tirith] Setúbal Hemal
    GC4E198 Charco das Rãs [Melides] Setúbal paulohercules
    GC3N2YN Edhellond [Middle Earth] Lisboa paulohercules
    GC7YVA6 Ered Mithrin Gnammas - BE04 Santarém bmps2003
    GC1N9D1 Floresta Tenebrosa Lisboa PLnauta
    GCYX2C Gurita Gondor [Cercal do Alentejo] Setúbal Limão
    GCK8F1 J-ATBASH-te Banho? [VN1000F] Beja paulohercules
    GC64QP5 Lord of the Rings – J. R. R. Tolkien [1937-49] Lisboa nunodomonte
    GC1F9Z4 Minas Ithil [Morgul Valley - VN Milfontes] Beja MightyReek
    GC3C7J6 Montanhas Nebulosas [PNPG] Viana Do Castelo Valente Cruz
    GC1EFF5 MORIA Arquipélago Da Madeira Mendes&Freitas
    GC6CB0X My Precious!!!! V2.0 - B50 Santarém bmps2003
    GC4NM07 O bastão de Saruman - The staff of Saruman Braga joom
    GC5N04X O descanso de Thorin Escudo-de-Carvalho Bragança Silvana
    GC4XCT6 O Hobbit Braga joom
    GC49ZBF O Regresso do Rei Braga Fernando Rei
    GC21NCM O Senhor das Caches Setúbal MightyReek
    GC78VHP PT – POR AMOR – Hobbit Leiria Team_Quiterio
    GC2HWAH Rivendell Viseu Valente Cruz
    GC5WNC3 Rivendell [PNSAC] Leiria paulohercules
    GC5QYCT Shelob Viana Do Castelo Bravellir
    GC564DZ Smeagol Braga Vieiras
    GC305ZK Sméagol's Challenge Vila Real Silvana
    GC7DM76 The dark abyss Aveiro Valente Cruz
    GC4WCN1 the eYe [VN1000F] Beja paulohercules
    GC277BG The Grey Havens Lisboa global trekkers
    GC3RRNE The Hobbits' River Coimbra Necas & Family
    GC5Z656 The Shire V.2 - B43 Leiria bmps2003
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    TOP 20



    1 prodrive
    2 ClanTinho
    3 mafilll
    4 paulohercules
    5 Lusitana Paixão
    6 bmps2003
    7 reis&reis
    8 rm.guerreiro
    8 Helder_SSA
    10 MikeTeam
    11 Sara_ZB
    12 LUFT*
    13 Redfish & Pipocha
    14 Medieval_Team
    15 BetoMartins
    16 fcarioca
    16 Dropout
    16 vmas69
    19 Mystique*
    20 FTav
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